OK, it was really the Surf City (Huntington Beach) Marathon, but if you were there... Days before we knew the forecasts were saying BIG TIME RAIN!, but we just kept living in our fantasy world & hoped it would change. Hey, it's happened before! Well, not this time. We woke early to see a light mist outside. If only it had stayed that way. Kim, Becky, Karen, Jeff & I headed out. By the time the race started it was windy, cold, and raining, and it only got worse. You know the kind of wind that you're leaning into, and the rain that slaps your face? Around mile 1-2 I was already having doubts I could finish, something I've never done before.
So we all trudged on. Karen finished her 5K is less than an hour, Jeff finished in just a few hours (1/2 marathon), and Kim, Becky, & I finished in about 3.5 hours. Considering the conditions, it wasn't a bad finish time for a race walker. Here's a video sampling of what it was like, and a pic of us afterwards. Once again, medals (which were cool surfboards, by the way!), and showers can do wonders!

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