Sunday, March 20, 2011

Races - Fall 2010 thru Winter 2011

Here it is March 2011, and I haven't blogged about any races since before Disneyland last Labor Day. The Disneyland half marathon 2010 was the 5th anniversary. I did the 5K the 1st year (one of my very 1st races) and have done the 1/2 every year since, so I've participated in every one since the beginning. It was fun to see a lot of my friends from Running of the Ears (ROTE) this time. A lot of them came out because it was the anniversary and to get the bonus Coast-to-Coast medal. There's never enough time to see everyone and "play" at the parks, but it was still fun.

Here's a slideshow from the Fall-Winter season:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

That Smell Reminds Me Of...

(Side note before I start: My friend recently informed me that it’s time to update my blog. What? You mean because it’s March and I haven’t blogged since last August?)

So tomorrow is supposed to be the last day of winter but it looks like all we’re going to see for the next few days is clouds and rain. Mickey I & were able to squeeze in a nice 3.66 mile walk today without getting wet. There are a few signs of Spring though, as the Orange trees are starting to bloom.
I think the smell of the orange blossoms is really one of my favorite scents. Having lived in So CA since I was 7 years old, it’s one of those "olfactory memories" that takes me right back to my childhood. My Mom always loved it too, so it also reminds me of her. It’s sad that there are fewer and fewer groves every year as they are removed for new building, but I’m thankful to live in a city that still has groves & has a long history in Citrus.

I also have some smelly memories that are a little odd too. Like when I smell diesel, it always reminds me of the 3 ½ months I spent on the road with Continental Singers 25 years ago. At the time, I hated the diesel smell of that bus, but now it’s a nice memory. Or whenever I smell a fireplace burning, I think “that reminds me of the mountains.” Around here it’s not often that people light a fire, but in the mountains where the weather is cooler, it often smells that way, And then there’s my dog Mickey. Maybe you have to be a doggy parent to get it. Or maybe even if you’re a parent you’ll think I’m nuts, but I love her smell. When I first took her to the vet as a pup, the receptionist said, “Aw, the sweet smell of puppy!” I thought she was a little crazy at the time. But now…it’s soothing. She’s my baby girl. I can be a tense mess, then she jumps up on my lap, gives me a big kiss, and maybe even a cuddle. And I bury my face in her fur. But when she gets wet? Well then she’s just a big ole wet dawwwg.
What scents hold a memory for you?