We arrived in San Francisco on Fri., went to the Nike Expo and did a little sight seeing on Sat., a team meeting, then to our TNT (Team in Training) Pasta Party on Sat. night where Joan Benoit Samuelson spoke, then tried to get to bed at a decent hour for our early morning on race day, Sun 10/21.
As a walker and member of TNT (Team in Training), we had the option of an early start, which we took advantage of. Without the early start it's nearly impossible for a walker to make the time deadline, and they won't let you finish if you don't get to Mile 19 by the cut-off time. But I'm getting ahead of myself....
2:15 AM: Alarm goes off and I’ve had about 3 hours of sleep. Coffee & 1 piece of bread with peanut butter & honey.
3:45 AM: Meet the early start group (walkers) in the lobby. After pictures, instructions, ½ bagel, we walk to the start line a few blocks away. It’s really cold, a little windy, and very dark. We huddle to stay warm, & take 1 more potty break. My friend Julie (who came with me to San Francisco to be my support) went down to the lobby with me, then went back to room & met us later at the start line for a few pics (wearing a "GO BETH GO!" shirt that she made, covered with pics of my friends and family.) :-)
5:30 AM – START! Here we go! There are so many people we are packed together for quite awhile. My walking buddy Ashlyn & I took advice from coaches to just enjoy the race & not worry about time. So, lots of pictures (there’s only one “First” time!)
Miles 1-6 are really dark, so we can’t take many pics but of course I tried anyway. At Mile 6 we get to the Oxygen Bar. What the heck, let’s try it. I breathed in some of the “Ocean Blast.” At first you actually taste it, then it’s just like brisk, fresh air. It actually felt good & opened up the sinuses.
Good thing because the next FOUR miles, Mile 6 through 9 are ALL up hill! Really BIG hills. I’m thinking, boy we didn’t do enough hill training, then I try to tell myself that this is just like Smiley Heights, where we trained… but that only works for awhile. I’m thinking these hills will NEVER end. Puff puff puff. Ashlyn (who is about 30 yrs. younger, by the way!) is now 10-15 feet ahead of me, and I know she is just having to keep going. In between these 4 miles there’s 1 downhill & I catch my breath, but it’s short lived. Up we go again! Finally Mile 10 and we’re flat for awhile, then this GORGEOUS view downhill and over the ocean! Aaaaah. Miles 11-16 are through Golden Gate Park. Everyone tells you that you’ll probably have a “Bite Me!” moment at some point, which is aimed at your friends and/or family. My friend Julie is with Ashlyn’s boyfriend Dean, her Dad, & Stepmom. They told us they’d meet us at Mile 12 & we told them we needed Gatorade. Just B4 mile 12 there’s a water stop but we skip it because we know we’ll see them around the corner. Mile 12 – no one. Mile 13, 14 = no one. We finally hear that they’re at Mile 15 or 16! BITE ME! Part of the problem was that they were told wrong info about where they were because of the ½ marathon course mixing with our course, & partly because they couldn’t get through on the closed roads. It wasn’t their fault but at this point you don’t care. We get our Gatorade & all is better, all is forgiven.
Mile 15.5 was cool as went through the “Nike Tunnel.” We heard Lance Armstrong encouraging us to keep on, and inspirational messages projected on the walls.
Mile 17-19 Great Highway. Beautiful ocean view, but it’s long. We know that Mile 19 has a cut off requirement, but we’re OK on time.
Mile 19 entering the circle around Lake Merced.. Oh my gosh, the lake is HUGE! Full loop is Mile 19-23. We have to go around THAT?!!!” There is a beautiful view & I ask Ashlyn to take a pic and ask if she wants a pic. She says, “I’m over the pic thing.”
Mile 23 – I don’t know if this is “The Wall” but now my knees really hurt! Ashlyn & I are both especially feeling it in our left knee. It’s not like it was all at once. It came on slowly but there was 1 point when my knees started to just buckle underneath me. That was a little scary, because it’s physical & you can’t do much about it except to keep going. You hear people talk about your body being like a machine. It’s kinda like that just you just keep moving your feet, one step at a time, don’t stop, don’t stop.
The last 3 miles were really HARD. Playing music in iPod just to create a distraction, but not sure how much it’s helping. The phone messages and texts that I received (even if I didn't answer) from friends really helped keep me moving along.
Mile 25 – we see Coach Ron! YEAH! We needed that.!

WE CAN SEE THE FINISH LINE! Just keep going, one step at a time.
Cross the line! WE DID IT!!! Cute guy in tux gives us a Tiffany box. Oh yeah! Time: 7 hrs. 3 min.

We get our timing chip clipped off, then head over to the TNT tent to check in but realize we were supposed to go straight first to get our “FINISHER” shirt, so we have to back track. At this point you don’t want to walk 1 more step. Get shirt, go to TNT tent for check in and 26.2 pin. Pick up some snacks, then meet Julie & Ashlyn & her family again. Heading towards shuttle area which is about 2 blocks away (seems like another 26.2!). We get there & find out they’ve MOVED the shuttle area to be at finish line. CRAP! That’s where we came from! Ashlyn’s family gives us a ride instead, so there’s 6 people in a little pickup truck. Takes a long time to get back to hotel with traffic, 1 way streets, & closures.
Back in room. Julie orders pizza & gets me some ice while I take a shower. I am glad there’s a handicap bar in the shower to hang on to! After shower we eat pizza, snack a little more, then get ready for Victory Party. The party location is 3 blocks away & we can’t bear to imagine walking that far, so I decide to pay for a cab. As we walk through the hotel you can spot the marathoners. They have what is called the “Marathon Moon Walk” – it’s kind of a waddle. We take the cab from Marriott to Moscone Center & eat good food. The cab fare was about $5 but I gave the driver a $10. (each way) – It was SO worth it! The food was plentiful & it was good to see some of our teammates, 90% of whom are waddling.
Going to bed it’s hard to get in a comfortable position. I prop my knees with a pillow behind my knees, take ipuprofen, & ice my knees. That felt good, and with the exception of the difficulty of changing positions, I slept great.
I raised $3,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and am so thankful to everyone who contributed with the finances and prayers
Did you know that only 1% of the population have completed a marathon? Feels good.
Did you know that only 1% of the population have completed a marathon? Feels good.
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