Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Everyone gathered at our house on Christmas Eve. Leilani couldn't make it because she was with her mommy, but Daddy Jose came. We had our traditional pizza dinner & opened presents. On Christmas morning Dad, Mickey & I opened our Christmas stockings.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Not feeling too good today, and this made me smile!

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's a Wonderful (odd & funny) Life!

I made this online last year, but it's worth repeating. :-) Starring:
George Clooney as George Bailey
Beth as Mary Bailey
Nephew Jeff as Ernie, the Cabbie
Dad Norm as Clarence the Angel
Ella as Zuzu Bailey
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Loma Linda Holiday Classic 5K - 12-7-08

This race has 4 divisions and I entered the 5k Walk. They separate the walk vs. run so if you're in the walk division, you're not allowed to run at all. I had my best time of 40:23, then a few hours after I got home I decided to check my stats online. I came in 2nd in my age division! WHA? Must be a misprint! Guess it pays to be old and to walk only! I even get a separate medal for placing. I placed 4th overall out of 77 total walkers. I know, small group, but still kinda fun. Please excuse my bragging, but this was pretty encouraging. When you're "only a walker", you don't usually have a chance at any placement or special accomplishment.

A Ride on the Polar Express!

On Dec. 4th I went with the Semmens family and Grandma Karen to Williams, AZ to take a ride to the North Pole on the Polar Express! We stayed at the Grand Canyon Railway Resort. A looooooong drive to Williams, but it was a memorable trip, and fun for the kiddos!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

From "Peg Leg" to "Patches"

My poor baby, 2nd trip to emergency in as many weeks.
Last night at 1:00 AM Mickey wanted to go outside. She went out & I noticed she had the runs (sorry). It happened 2 more times in the next hour, then when she was laying on the bed I felt a wet spot, I discovered she was also bleeding. :-( I took her to the emergency hospital again and they took some blood & other tests & determined she had a condition called Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, which is a "rapidly occuring inflammatory condition of the small intestine." The best I understand is that some kind of bacteria inflames the intestines & they start to bleed. If they catch it early, which we did, they can treat it by having her stay 12-24 hours in the hospital with an IV for electrolytes & antibiotics. They said on a busy night they can have 2-3 cases so it's fairly common, but also very serious if you don't treat them right away. They also don't know what causes it, but said it's not contagious. She came home late this afternoon & will be on antibiotics for awhile. She wasn't acting very normal at 1st but she's coming around. (sigh) So now instead of just the 1 shaved area on her left paw from last week's incident (see previous blog), she was shaved in another spot on the same leg AND her right leg (still in bandage below, which she won't let me remove.)
I only had a few hours sleep last night, but we will all hopefully sleep better with our baby back at home.

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Close-up without bandage:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mickey is a "Peg Leg"

My baby Mickey gave us a scare last night. I was in the back yard with her & noticed she was limping, pulling her front paw up. I examined it & didn't see anything but she kept limping, so I checked again. Whenever I would get close to touching it she would try to bite me. Not a good sign. I found something that could've been a thorn or some kind of stinger. Within 5-10 minutes she was laying on the floor and wouldn't come to me when I called her, wouldn't even lift her head, and I knew something must've bit her. I called the vet which was closing in minutes & they said to go to the Vet Emergency Hospital which didn't open for 40 more minutes! We were stuck in the "closed" zone. Ugh. So Dad & I jumped in the car with her to go to the hospital. About 1/2 way there she became listless and was panting. At one point her tongue was hanging out & I was afraid she was having a hard time breathing. Really scary now, and then the traffic slowed to almost a stop...with 2 miles to go. I was praying at this point. Literally seconds after I prayed, she perked up! She was not normal yet, but better. We made it to the emergency vet & even thought they were closed, I went to the door & knocked. The nurse came to the door & asked what was wrong, and at this point Mickey was wagging her tail! I was starting to breath normally. I'm sure the nurse thought I was nuts, but in those minutes that everything is happening, you are thinking the worst & don't know what will happen. About 20 mins. later they opened & Mickey saw the Dr. They said she probably was biten by something, shaved her paw & examined it, then gave her a shot for the pain & inflammation. Except for some tenderness on her paw, she was back to my bouncey Mickey. But now I have to call her Peg Leg. Check out her paws:

EDIT: 10/13/08, I just called the vet to let them know what happened & so that they could add the info to her file. I explained how she had been deteriorating quickly, and then suddenly just seemed to pop out of it. I said, "Does that happen? Is that normal?" She paused for a few seconds, then said, "no not really, that doesn't usually happen." So, is it coincidence that she seemed to spring back to life within 30 seconds of praying? I think not. Thank you Jesus.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

That Recliner is Just Too Comfy!

It's been 3 weeks since my last race & I feel like a slug. Really. This is my downfall: If I don't have another race event on the horizon as a goal, I fall back into the old rut. Since the Disney 1/2 marathon I've only been for short walks with Mickey. So, new goal! I want to work toward running a 5K! Short distance, but I said run, not walk. There's a beginner's training plan out there called "Couch to 5K". Training the 1st week consists of a 5 min. walk to warmup, then alternate a 1 min jog with a 1.5 min walk, for a total of 20 minutes, and the running increases each week. Doesn't sound too brutal, right? And hey, I've done a marathon, right? Uh yeah. There's a reason I've always walked my races. Don't really like running. So why not? Haha. I started yesterday & went out again today, but today I took my iPod, which really helps. I also need accountability, so if you're reading this, maybe you could leave a comment just to let me the you know!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Workin' 9 to 5!

Tonight I went with my friend Tracy and her daughter Mikayla to see "9 to 5" at the Ahmanson. We all love Megan Hilty & Stephanie Block from WICKED, so it was fun to see them in other roles, and we got their autographs afterwards. Are you old enough to remember the movie with Dolly Parton, Lily Tomlin, and Jane Fonda?

Friday, September 12, 2008

P.S. Disneyland 1/2 Marathon '08

Whenever you're at a race you are bound to see some interesting shirts. There are the more thoughtful, inspirational types: "DLF>DNF>>DNS" which translates, "DEAD LAST FINISH is greater than DID NOT FINISH is much greater than DID NOT START"

And then there are the ones that provide some fun distraction, especially in the higher miles: "In My Dreams, I am a Kenyan"
and my favorite at my last race, "Race Official - Do Not Pass"
I passed her anyway. I'm such a rebel.

I found this cool aerial map of the course:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"Pushing Daisies"

My friend Sandi & I visited the traveling Pie Hole (that's the restaurant from the TV show Pushing Daisies, for those of you who are not "with it"). Just some silly fun. See slideshow below...(note captions at bottom of TV)

Fun With "Pushing Daisies"

Celebrating Dad's 91st Birthday With Family

Disneyland 5K and Half Marathon 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Baby Keenan is HERE!

My niece Brianna & her husband Sean had their baby today! (She did all the work.) He was born August 4th at 5:20 AM, 7 lbs. 3 oz., 20 1/2 inches. I may be a little biased, but I think he's pretty cute. Brown wavy hair, long fingers, and kinda chubby legs for a newborn. Why are chubby thighs so darn cute on a baby! Can't wait to meet him. See for yourself:

Friday, August 1, 2008

Toilet Paper - Part Two

Tonight Mickey was barking. Not all that unusual, however this time the bark was not coming from the front door or the back patio. So I followed the bark to investigate and found this. It seems I had committed the grave offense of not giving her the empty roll & she had to let me know. One smart dog! OK, so she's chewing on a t.p. roll. I'll bet you've got some family members who can't seem to ever replace the paper, right? Or they put the milk carton back in the regrigerator even when it's empty. Mickey would never do that.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Toilet Paper is fascinating...apparently.

Ever since Mickey was a pup, I have given her the toilet paper roll to play with after the T.P. was gone. She gnaws on it awhile & when it starts to become edible, I trade her for a little treat. Well just this week I have found her standing in the bathroom staring at the T.P. roll. I've told her she needs to wait until the toilet paper is all gone, but she doesn't seem to get it. That's what happens with toddlers, I guess... She keeps me laughing anyway. Love that pup!

1. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
2. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a ride.
3. When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
4. Let others know when they have invaded your territory
5. Take naps and stretch before rising.
6. Run, romp and play daily.
7. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
8. On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
9. On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.
10. When you are happy, dance and wag your entire body.
11. No matter how often you are scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and right back and make friends.
12. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
13. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
14. Be loyal.
15. Never pretend to be something you are not.
16. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
17. When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Graduation from "Boot Camp"

Woohoo! My last day of boot camp! No more getting up at 4:45 AM. It was only for 1 month, and "only" 3 days a week, but it was rough getting up so early & then going to work! (Especially today when I just walked 12 miles yesterday!) But even in that short amount of time, I improved my 1 mile run/walk time, and the number of crunches, etc. per minute, so it was worth it. I loved the variety of activities & will probably do it again in the fall when it's cooler & I can go to an after work class. Here's a pic of my class: (our trainer Kat is in front w/thumbs up, I'm standing w/pink shirt)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baby Keenan is Due Any Day!

My niece Brianna & her husband Sean are expecting their 1st baby any day. She had a wonderful baby shower today, got lots of great stuff, and I thought I'd post a couple pics. Her due date is in 2 wks. but the Doc says their son is already about 7 lbs. so if she goes 2 more weeks, Keenan will weigh 8-9 lbs! By the way, Sean is VERY irish with a nice O' last name, thus the great irish name of Keenan. Here's Bree with a sign made by Sean's sister, me with my other niece Amanda, & Bree opening presents. Oh, and a pic of Daddy Sean from the wedding.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Before and "After?"...and Boot Camp!

Struggling with my weight has always been an issue for me, but as you get older, it’s not just about how you look. You also start thinking more and more about your health. In Dec. of 2005 I saw one of those “enlightening” photos of myself that shocked me into reality. A week later in January 2006 (yes, the month that everyone starts a diet!), I decided I had to do something. I signed up for Weight Watchers. The progress was slow but steady, lost 20 lbs. by April, then I didn’t try very hard & stayed the same for a few months. Back on track and over the next year I lost another 30. Late last year, after my marathon training & bored with “training”, I started putting it back on, and was shocked to see that 10 lbs had returned without any effort. That’s the problem, no effort. It really is a CONSTANT struggle. I know that this is not “a diet” that I can quit when I get to my goal weight, because it has to be a forever lifestyle. So now I’ve lost the 10 I gained, plus a few more. I wrote “After?” in the title the way I did because I don’t think I’m “there” yet. I don’t think it will be a certain number on the scale, I think I’ll just know. A few weeks ago I signed up for an outdoor "Adventure Boot Camp for Women." It’s a 4 week class held M-W-F at 5:30 AM. It’s been really interesting…hikes, jump rope, kick boxing, running, situps, lunges, & oh so much more. But it’s actually kinda fun. It’s NOT fun when the alarm goes off at 4:45, but I feel good after I have completed each class. Just 5 more classes to go! Here’s my “before” (July '05)and “so far” (July 08) :-) picture (both taken at Disneyland , by the way!) Now that I’m documenting this for the world to see, maybe it will give me accountability. And if you’d ever like to join me for a 5K, 10K, or even a ½ marathon, let me know!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Run Through Redlands" - May 4, 2008

I had previously done the Redlands 5K and the 10K, so I decided it was time for the 1/2 Marathon. The course already had a reputation for being pretty hilly, and they supposedly changed it for this year to make it less hilly. I don't believe them. The weather could not have been more perfect. Cool, breezy, clear...but it wasn't my day. It started out great. Actually that may have been my problem. I ran several times rather than just walking fast, since I felt this extra bit of energy, but I really hadn't trained like I should have. Not enough days pounding the pavement and not enough hill prep. Around Mile 10 I started to feel really nauseous and that never went away. I knew I might be dehydrated, and I drank more, no relief. Also this race is NOT geared to walkers. Instead of cars having to drive on the other side of the road, or take a detour, there were times I was having to stop on the side to let THEM go by! About 3/4 of the way through I was feeling all alone out there, wondering if anyone was actually still on the course. Then at about mile 11.5 I heard footsteps. (smile) There was someone BEHIND me! Woo-hoo! (BIG Smile) After awhile I hear, "Do you keep about a 15 minute mile pace?" "Yeah, I think so", I said. "You're fast, I can't keep up with you!" Ah, music to my ears. I felt a little spring in my step. But it didn't last. About a mile later he passed me. :-( At mile 12.5 they told us we had to now walk on the sidewalk. They were opening up the road to traffic. It was really ridiculous because, according to my time we were no slower than a 15 min. mile pace, which is usually the cut-off. So finally I cross the finish line, about 10 seconds behind my new walking friend. Ironically, it turns out I finished faster than either of my 2 previous 1/2 marathons - 3 hrs. 15 minutes. There were actually people as much as 45 mins. behind me. I was also pleasantly surprised to see that we got medals because I thought we were just getting a ribbon. Not much in the way of after race refreshment. I had to hunt down water & some orange slices. Redlands usually does a great job with events (They're also host to the Redlands Bicycle Classic, drawing cyclists from all over the world.) I think I just have to chalk this up to not being a "walker's race". I'll do the 10K again because it really is a beautiful walk, but I'll skip this 1/2.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

50th Birthday Celebration with the Girls

On the weekend of my 50th birthday, Kim, Becky & I celebrated together by staying overnight in Laguna Beach. We stayed at the Surf & Sand...a splurge...but I'm worth it! :-) When Becky picked me up, I noticed that her clothes were a bit...odd...then I saw her makeup & glasses. We then met up with Kim, and well, I'll let you see for yourself...

Once we arrived in Laguna, we dropped off our luggage (room not quite ready) & went on to have lunch at Las Brisas Mexican restaurant. It was a gorgeous day and we dined on the patio. Oh, the girls decided NOT to change their clothes. Yes people were staring. Most of them "got it" and laughed along with us, but some were not sure. A margarita, yummy food, presents. I could get used to this!

The hotel & the view from our room was AMAZING!

Cool, sunny walks on the beach. (OK, well Becky RAN!), Breakfast at "The Cottage"...

Kim is a busy mom & wife, and Becky is a realtor with a very busy life as well, but they took time to get away and celebrate with me. I am truly blessed by God with great friends...

Monday, February 4, 2008

"SOAK CITY" Half Marathon - Feb. 3, 2008

OK, it was really the Surf City (Huntington Beach) Marathon, but if you were there... Days before we knew the forecasts were saying BIG TIME RAIN!, but we just kept living in our fantasy world & hoped it would change. Hey, it's happened before! Well, not this time. We woke early to see a light mist outside. If only it had stayed that way. Kim, Becky, Karen, Jeff & I headed out. By the time the race started it was windy, cold, and raining, and it only got worse. You know the kind of wind that you're leaning into, and the rain that slaps your face? Around mile 1-2 I was already having doubts I could finish, something I've never done before.

So we all trudged on. Karen finished her 5K is less than an hour, Jeff finished in just a few hours (1/2 marathon), and Kim, Becky, & I finished in about 3.5 hours. Considering the conditions, it wasn't a bad finish time for a race walker. Here's a video sampling of what it was like, and a pic of us afterwards. Once again, medals (which were cool surfboards, by the way!), and showers can do wonders!