Struggling with my weight has always been an issue for me, but as you get older, it’s not just about how you look. You also start thinking more and more about your health. In Dec. of 2005 I saw one of those “enlightening” photos of myself that shocked me into reality. A week later in January 2006 (yes, the month that everyone starts a diet!), I decided I had to do something. I signed up for Weight Watchers. The progress was slow but steady, lost 20 lbs. by April, then I didn’t try very hard & stayed the same for a few months. Back on track and over the next year I lost another 30. Late last year, after my marathon training & bored with “training”, I started putting it back on, and was shocked to see that 10 lbs had returned without any effort. That’s the problem,
no effort. It really is a CONSTANT struggle. I know that this is not “a diet” that I can quit when I get to my goal weight, because it has to be a forever lifestyle. So now I’ve lost the 10 I gained, plus a few more. I wrote “After?” in the title the way I did because I don’t think I’m “there” yet. I don’t think it will be a certain number on the scale, I think I’ll just know. A few weeks ago I signed up for an outdoor "Adventure Boot Camp for Women." It’s a 4 week class held M-W-F at 5:30 AM. It’s been really interesting…hikes, jump rope, kick boxing, running, situps, lunges, & oh so much more. But it’s actually kinda fun. It’s NOT fun when the alarm goes off at 4:45, but I feel good after I have completed each class. Just 5 more classes to go! Here’s my “before” (July '05)and “so far” (July 08) :-) picture (both taken at Disneyland , by the way!) Now that I’m documenting this for the world to see, maybe it will give me accountability. And if you’d ever like to join me for a 5K, 10K, or even a ½ marathon, let me know!