The GOOD: Kim & I wore Mickey tattoos :-), and were really excited about the whole Disney thing. The race started by going through Disneyland and California Adventure, characters & cheering everywhere. FUN! Then we headed out onto Ball road and right into the sun. Hot, Hot, Hot. After a few miles we were already beet red & sensing how hard this would be. When we got to the Angels Stadium at Mile 10, it really lifted our spirits. Sat in the dugout for pics, saw ourselves on the Jumbotron, cheerleaders…

then we left the stadium & the rest of the race was pretty much concrete.
The BAD: The temp at 6:30 AM was already at about 85 degrees. Not a good sign. Speaking of signs, they posted warnings about what could happen.

At the start of the race, we were already at the Red Flag warning. I heard rumors that it really did reach Black Flag conditions during the race, but they didn’t call it. First Aid assistance and ambulances were a common sight.
Many stations ran out of water, or the water was hot because they hadn’t had time to put it on ice, so people were taking ice to put on their heads, in their own water bottles.

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