I got there later than expected so I didn't get to see my "Running of the Ears" (ROTE) friends Jay, Brandi, Casey, & Gina. Jeff & I picked up our packets, then we all headed over to the Olive Garden for a little carb-loading! (Kim had just taken a bite of salad and I forced her to take a picture. haha)
I didn't stay overnight this time, so I was driving back & forth. On Sunday morning I drove down to HB & picked up Jeff at their hotel, then we parked at Edison H.S. & took the shuttle to the race start. No waiting, no problems! I found fellow ROTEr friend Brandi at the Port-o-potties.
Then we all headed over to the start corrals, Jeff was in #2 (speedy!) so Brandi & I said "Bye!" & headed over to our corral. So many people!!! The rain was gone, clear skies, and weather was perfect!
After another trip to the port-o-potty, I lost Brandi, and didn't see her again til mid-way through. First several miles were great. I had shed my layers before the race & checked them, and felt just right in my capri skirt & long sleeved lightweight shirt. I saw Brandi & Jay's mom around Mile 5, and then saw Brandi shortly afterwards. Mile 8 was the turnaround point where I saw Coach Ron (former Team in Training coach & now with Road Warriors). Always nice to see familiar faces, especially in the upper miles. I started feeling nauseated at Mile 10-ish, so I tried to force down some more energy/nutrition. I thought I had hydrated well, but it was also pretty humid. Sometimes it's hard to get the right balance. After I passed the pier I started to hear the announcer at the finish line. YAY! Sometimes as you approach the announcer does a quick look at your bib # to find your name on the computer, then greets you by name as you cross the finish line. So as I approached the guy was saying "And hear comes EUNICE from Redlands!" I thought, "huh? Is there someone from Redlands near me?" Then he said, "Here's EUNICE, looking great in her running skirt! Let's hear it for EUNICE!" "Eunice" was me! HAHA! I have no idea how he got "Eunice" from "Elizabeth" :-)
I saw Casey right after I crossed the finish line, but felt so sick I couldn't stop to chat. I took a few pics, then headed back. Kim & Jeff had already left, so I found my favorite place for a post-half marathon meal:
Here's a pic of my Surf City medals for the last 4 years. The smaller one is from the 2007 5K, then 1/2 Marys for 2008, 2009, and 2010. After 3 years you are automatically entered into the Legacy Club, which is the extra little thing you see on top of the last 2 medals.