Last night at 1:00 AM Mickey wanted to go outside. She went out & I noticed she had the runs (sorry). It happened 2 more times in the next hour, then when she was laying on the bed I felt a wet spot, I discovered she was also bleeding. :-( I took her to the emergency hospital again and they took some blood & other tests & determined she had a condition called Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, which is a "rapidly occuring inflammatory condition of the small intestine." The best I understand is that some kind of bacteria inflames the intestines & they start to bleed. If they catch it early, which we did, they can treat it by having her stay 12-24 hours in the hospital with an IV for electrolytes & antibiotics. They said on a busy night they can have 2-3 cases so it's fairly common, but also very serious if you don't treat them right away. They also don't know what causes it, but said it's not contagious. She came home late this afternoon & will be on antibiotics for awhile. She wasn't acting very normal at 1st but she's coming around. (sigh) So now instead of just the 1 shaved area on her left paw from last week's incident (see previous blog), she was shaved in another spot on the same leg AND her right leg (still in bandage below, which she won't let me remove.)
I only had a few hours sleep last night, but we will all hopefully sleep better with our baby back at home.
Close-up without bandage: